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Grinding News


What is Flat Surface Grinding?

What is Flat Surface Grinding?

The grinding of flat surfaces is an abrasive machining procedure, where the metal part is polished by a wheel that rotates at high speed and removes small chips.…

Admin November 11, 2019
What is the Grinding Process?

What is the Grinding Process?

The grinding process is carried out by means of a grinding machine, which, through the machining of parts by abrasion, removes part of the material to give it shape…

Admin November 4, 2019
Abrasive Grinding Types

Abrasive Grinding Types

At Rectificats Serra we have a wide range of grinding machines with which we carry out various types of grinding of parts that are often complementary to each other.…

Admin September 16, 2019
What is a Grinding Machine?

What is a Grinding Machine?

In the machining and grinding of parts there are two processes by which a piece is shaped by material removal. These processes are chip removal or abrasion, which…

Admin August 5, 2019